Symposium Schedule + Logistics

We will post a draft schedule later this week. Please check back soon.

If you post about the symposium on social media, please consider using #PictureAnAstronomer.

Travel and Accommodation

If you are booking travel and accommodation to Chicago, please refer to our Logistics for In-person Attendance.

Suggested Resources

So that everyone is on the same page in discussions, here are some suggested materials, which are not specifically endorsed, but rather represent a portion of the extensive resources available. These documentaries/books/popular articles/refereed publications are not intended to be comprehensive, but instead offer a starting point to have data-driven, solution-oriented conversations. There are (social) scientists dedicated to understanding the science gender gap, so the larger literature is a key starting point for informed discussion. (If you would like to see something particular added, please let us know.)

For undergraduates/early graduate students, we also recommend Astronomy as a Field: A Guide for Aspiring Astrophysicists, which was authored by, and contains advice from, a number of Picture an Astronomer speakers and attendees.